Nature's Sunshine Products
Liquid Chlorophyll
Nature's Green Sunshine


                            Chlorophyll, the green matter in plants, is found abundantly in nature. Through a chemical process called photosynthesis, chlorophyll harnesses the sun's energy in order to perform various meta-bolic functions. Simply, this is how it works. Plants absorb sunlight and, with that energy, chlorophyll changes water and carbon dioxide absorbed from the air into sugar. Then with minerals absorbed from the earth, the plant is able to make vitamins, fats, proteins and starches that it needs in order to survive. Animals, including humans, and non-green plants such as mushrooms rely upon the food-producing capabilities of chlorophyll to also survive.

In 1913, Dr. Richard Willstartter, a German chemist, discovered the functions of chlorophyll, though scientists had separated the pigment from plants a few decades earlier. He made the above observations and also found that "the chlorophyll molecule bears a striking resemblance to hemoglobin, the red pigment in human blood. The red blood pigment is a web of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen atoms grouped around a single atom of iron. Nature's green pigment is a similar web of the same atoms, except that its centerpiece is a single atom of magnesium." *(1)

This discovery has lead to chlorophyll's becoming a useful nutritional aid for the human body. It is known to cleanse the body and especially to strengthen the action of the circulatory, intestinal and female reproductive systems. It has also been found useful in external skin applications and as a gargle. In addition, chlorophyll is known to neutralize body odors and to act as a natural deodorant.

Scientists have also found that chlorophyll helps to "thicken and strengthen the walls of the body cells of living animals." *(2) In this sense, chlorophyll is also a nutritional aid for the immune system, since it helps to strengthen cells so they can use their own defenses when needed. Chlorophyll also helps to promote the elimination of toxins from the body.

In natural health care practices, chlorophyll is mainly used in its liquid form. Green plants, especially alfalfa leaves, are used in laboratory processes to extract their chlorophyll content. Copper and sodium atoms replace the magnesium atom in chlorophyll so that it is made into a stable, water-soluble liquid. When ingested in its liquid form, chlorophyll remains unchanged until it reaches the small intestine. Of course, chlorophyll can be obtained by eating plenty of fresh, green plants, especially those that are a deep green color. However, in plant form, chlorophyll is surrounded by fat substances which may result in only partial absorption in the small intestine.

Chlorophyll has been found to be non-toxic, soothing to body tissues and safe for use by people of all ages. It can be used to clean fruits and vegetables when a few drops are added to water. If you would like to use chlorophyll in your nutritional program, Nature's Sunshine makes it available in liquid form stock# 1683-7, 16 fl. oz. and stock# 1689-6, 32 fl. oz. and in concentrated capsule form stock# 1690-7, 60 count. These easy-to-swallow capsules provide the deodorant and nutritional qualities of chlorophyll in a portable and tasteless form that requires no mixing. Each chlorophyll capsule contains 50 mg of combined pure liquid chlorophyll and sodium copper chlorophyllin.

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Notes: *(1) Vincent Licata, Comfrey and Chlorophyll (Orange, CA: Continental Health Research, 1971), p. 23.
*(2) ibid, p. 25.
References:  Keith, Velma J. & Monteen Gordon, The How To Herb Book. Pleasant Grove, UT: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1984.
Licata, Vincent. Comfrey and Chlorophyll. Orange, CA: Continental Health Research, 1971.
Pedersen, Mark. Nutritional Herbology. Bountiful, UT: Pedersen Publishing, 1987.