Center for Holistic Healing


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Iridology is the science of assessing the status of bodily health by examining the iris of the eye. Discovered in Europe in the 19th century, it was brought into practical clinical usage in the 1940's by Dr. Bernard Jensen. Iridology has gained international use skilled practitioner as a valuable tool for detection of general weaknesses in the physiology of the body.

A political gathering; Actual size=180 pixels wide

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The eyes have been often called the "windows to the soul" and modern Iridologist are certainly learning just how true that is. Iridologist, in the brogdest context, is an assessment tool which assists us in understanding the inherited or genetics (sometimes called constitutional type or pattern) a person born with physically and emotionally. It helps us understand why two people can follow the same diet, exercise program, etc. and one will do much better than another. It allows us to understand the ways we have handled stresses in our lives even what drives us to do what we do. It shows us where our bodies weak spots are, as well as our strengths. In fact, the eyes even show us where we will have problems in the future if we don't make some changes in our lives.

Iridology is the study of the patterns found in the eyes. A skilled iridologist reads patterns found in the eyes and understands much about a person much like a skilled map reader understands the lays of the land from a good topographic map. True one can not see and understand each individual experience or problem anymore than one can see each individual tree or rock on a topographic map, but a significant amount of information is there to enable one to reveal the mystry of health.

A skilled iridologist learns to read the shaps and patterns of the pupil, the iris (colored part of the eye) and the sclera (white part of the eye) to form an overall impression of that individuals past and where life has taken them to date. Once the information is gathered and evaluated it becomes much easier to understand the complexities that make us so individual and how a particular therapy might be employed to correct an imbalanced area of one's life.

A political gathering; Actual size=240 pixels wide

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